Norbert reviewed Nachrichten aus Mittelerde by J.R.R. Tolkien
Nachrichten aus Mittelerde
5 stars
Man muss dafür schon ein sehr großer Fan sein, aber das bin ich ja :)
23h 35min
deutsch language
Published Nov. 21, 2021 by Klett-Kotta; Der Hörverlag.
Die Komplettlesung von Nachrichten aus Mittelerde erstmals als Hörbuch.
Vom tragischen Held Túrin, der gegen einen Fluch kämpft, von der Freundschaft der Menschen mit der Elbenkönigin Galadriel und von dem Einen Ring und dem Kampf um Mittelerde - davon erzählt J.R.R.Tolkien in den Geschichten aus Mittelerde und von der Insel Numénor. Sein Sohn Christopher hat diese chronologisch geordnet, mit Kommentaren und Verweisen versehen, und eventuelle Widersprüche zu Herrn der Ringe und dem Silmarillion notiert. So ist ein umfangreiches Werk entstanden, das für jeden Kenner Mittelerdes und solche die es werden wollen eine wahre Freude ist! (von
Man muss dafür schon ein sehr großer Fan sein, aber das bin ich ja :)
For anyone who's read The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion and wants more, this is an excellent next read. More detail on tales already told and some fascinating new bits.
There are some that have said that "Unfinished Tales" while good, holds the position of a band publishing songs that it originally left on the cutting room floor. I disagree with that assessment.
First, let us be clear for new people: "Unfinished Tales" is not a new read. It is not a book you read first. Ever. A good reading of (in order of importance) "The Lord of the Rings," "The Silmarillion," and (optionally) "The Hobbit," is required. Without this background you simply will not be able to make any sense of what you're reading in "Unfinished Tales" despite Christopher's very good notes.
Here you will find details that fans of the Legendarium have long wondered and wanted to know about. What is Gandalf? What was the order he was part of, and who were its members? What's the real story(s) behind Galadreal? How did Gondor and Rohan become such …
There are some that have said that "Unfinished Tales" while good, holds the position of a band publishing songs that it originally left on the cutting room floor. I disagree with that assessment.
First, let us be clear for new people: "Unfinished Tales" is not a new read. It is not a book you read first. Ever. A good reading of (in order of importance) "The Lord of the Rings," "The Silmarillion," and (optionally) "The Hobbit," is required. Without this background you simply will not be able to make any sense of what you're reading in "Unfinished Tales" despite Christopher's very good notes.
Here you will find details that fans of the Legendarium have long wondered and wanted to know about. What is Gandalf? What was the order he was part of, and who were its members? What's the real story(s) behind Galadreal? How did Gondor and Rohan become such good friends? "Aldarion and Erendis" give us an actual story set in the time and place of Numenor. All of that is here.
Rather than "Unfinished Tales" being works that never made the cut, or ended up on the cutting room floor, rather it is a collection of work, literally, that was still in development by their author who was, unfortunately, gifted a lifetime of Men rather than Elves.
Yes, there is a hierarchy of canonicity here. If the "Lord of the Rings" says something and "Unfinished Tales" says something different, "Lord of the Rings" wins. But for the rest, we can revel in the additional thoughts, ideas, and details.